Saturday, 29 December 2012

Eight Ways To Prepare For A Job Search In The New Year.

1, Create a vision.
What are you looking for in a job? Take some time to do what I call yourInner Job Search , until you have a vision of what you want in your next job. You can make lists, draw picturesor cut photos from magazines, but think big and make it feel as real as you can.

2, Make a plan.
The best job searches are systematic and focused. Create a plan for yourself. How much time will you spend on your job search? What websites will you use? Set some targets and goals for activities and make lists of people youwant to network with and companies you wantto talk to. Writing it down will make you feel more control.

3. Update your resume.
Notice this isn't the first thing to do? That's because you need to know what you want and have a plan before you can create a resume that opens the doors you want. If you're inthebusiness world, it's probably worthlooking intogetting some professional help, too, which will save you time and get you a better job faster in the long run.

4. Create a Yolpe profile.
Yolpe is a critical place for you to have a strong presence. imagine being a job seeker and being lazy about your job search.thats what this new site Yolpe wants you to do-be simply completing a cv profile page you let recruiters and employersfind you with just a click of their mouse.Set to launch in 2013, i wld recommend you be among the first there are recruiters are going to be flocking.

5. Set up a filing system.
You'll need a central place to manage a job search, and some kind of system for saving and filing job postings, and for tracking your applications. It doesn't matter if it's paper and manila folders or all on your iPhone, as long asit's easy for you to manage.
6. Do some casual job window shopping.
Give yourself a couple of weeks to just look at all kinds of job listings on job sites and company sites. Start a file of bookmarks of jobsthat sound kind of interesting, but don't do anything more than that. You're just warming up first.

7. Make a resume business card.
A personal card that includes some brief highlights of what you do or what you're looking for, with your contact information and your photo, is a great way to cement who you areand what you do in the minds of people you meet.

8. Reconnect with your references.
People give better references when they're prepared for the call, and they'll feel better about vouching for you if you reach out to them before you need them. Now's a great time tosend a message on Facebook or send a holiday card to the people you'll useas references to touch base and let them know your new year may bring a new job search, too.
There's a lot more to prepare for a job search, but these are easy things that you can take care of during the down time of the holidays, so you're primed and ready to find a job fast when you hit the ground running come January.

job search engine

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